Restless Native

84: The Hoffmans, Alaskan Adventurers, Hunters & Anglers



“Here comes this caribou and my gun is still in the tent. Caribou season just started. I couldn’t get set up and it was going so fast. I’ve never seen a caribou run that fast. It goes away. And not even five minutes later, we spot another one doing the same thing. And it turns, and comes right towards basecamp.”— Lacey HoffmanThese guests left, and a few hours later, I got a text saying, “Dude, I forgot to mention being charged by a musk ox!”You know you have good stories when you forgot about the musk ox charge. Two of my favorite guests are back on the show today. All the way from Alaska down to the studio in Kentucky, we have Lyn and Lacey Hoffman.If you heard my three hour podcast with them last year, then you know it’s going to be good. Lyn and Lacey show up with a host of stories. Unfortunately they got stuck in a snow storm while traveling down to Louisville, so we didn’t get as much time for chatting as we’d hopped. A few hours after they left, Lyn started texting me, telling me about the musk ox and