Restless Native

BONUS: Dark Waters, New Creepy Tales from the Woods



“You could see what looked like two huge dogs. Tim said “those are some very, very big dogs.” We’re 60 yards away. Tim racks a shotgun. And let’s loose in the air. The one on the boat dock stood on its hind legs. It was freaking massive. It drops to all fours and starts running at us.”— Dark Waters, Paranormal StorytellerWarning, this show does have some serious language.Last week I released a few shows with paranormal storyteller, Dark Waters. In those shows, Dark Waters talks through what he does, as himself, James, the storyteller. Today, I have a collection of stories from James, as his persona, Dark Waters. That is, he’s telling these in the first person perspective of the person who told him the tale. He’s reliving the experience, typically telling it all from memory. The last two of these are actually first-hand tellings from hunters and anglers. In pulling these stories together, I will say, I got sucked in. Dark Waters is such a great storyteller, it’s as good as sitting at the theater watching an ac