Restless Native

72: Tom Opre, Filmmaker, Documentarian & Conservationist



“Don’t post grip and grin pictures. Especially of predators and iconic African zoo animals. I get it. People say ‘screw you’ and I get hate mail. But you have to understand, if we are going to change the hearts and minds of the people, we can’t go out and say ‘screw you.’ We have to say, there is a great story to be told about your deer. You don’t have to take your broadheads and put the logo out there, and chest bump and high five. Just don’t post those pictures.”— Tom OpreToday’s guest might ruffle some feathers. In fact, he’s been known to piss a few people off. And, he’s not going to apologize for it. Tom Opre is passionate. He loves wildlife, hunters, and the wilderness. And he has a deep understanding of what it means to be a consumer. And a conservationist. What Tom is not is apologetic. He has a matter of fact way of delivering his views and the facts he’s acquired over the years. He’s not here to soft serve anything to you. I like this about Tom, maybe because I see some of that in myself. Another th