Restless Native

57: Jenn Callahan, GoWild Chief Marketing Officer, Long-Distance Runner & Angler



"We're so high up, the people look like ants. A solo climber started to fall. You could tell he was unconscious. As he was falling he was taking out other climbers. The guide was a first responder and he had to go. He said, 'if anyone wants to leave, you have to come now.' I didn't want to be the person who made us come down before the summit..." – Jenn CallahanThe Ironman race is known as the ultimate feet among distance athletes. People have died trying this race. Seriously.Today’s guest is among those few people to even dare this feat. The triathlon consists of a 2.4-mile swim in open water, a 112-mile bike ride and a marathon, which is 26.2 miles. There are no breaks. It is widely considered the most difficult single-day sporting event in the world. Today’s guest is one of the few people I know who have attempted at Ironman. We’ll hear about that story today, but I want you to know the sacrifice that it takes to even train for these things. Anytime I’ve ever talked to someone