Restless Native

54: Zack Grimes, GoWild App Co-Founder & Data Scientist



"There is not a single person on our team who has an ego. We seek out opinions from so many people. We want feedback from the community. We want people to have a voice. I know I'm not an expert. We seek out the people in their respective fields—cooking, deer hunting, or whatever because we want to do it right. We want to do it, from a technology perspective, to do it 10 times better than anyone's ever done it before."— Zack GrimesI’ve known Zack Grimes for a long time. And we’ve been through a lot together. I mean heck, about six years ago, Zack got me fired. Just kidding, Zack. OK, well not really, I did get fired, and Zack was involved, but the company’s paranoia and ignorance isn’t Zack’s fault. We’ll get into this story a little bit.But he and I started off just a couple of young guys trying to make their way into advertising. When I first met him, I thought he had it all figured out. He’s incredibly bright. I mean, he’s seriously one of the smartest people I know. We had a lot of fun