Restless Native

48: Lyn & Lacey Hoffman, Alaskan Adventurers, Hunters & Anglers



"I said, ‘So you don’t know for 100% certainty that this bear is dead?’ He said no, and I told him we have a problem. All of the sudden, out of the corner of my eye, I see alders move, and out comes this wounded brown bear on a dead run, right for us."— Lyn Hoffman, Alaskan big game hunting guideThis show is crazy. We have bear charges. Golden eagle attacks. Tales of successful hunts, including moose, sheep, goats, bears, deer, pigs, coyotes, rabbits and god knows what else I’m forgetting. We hear about of hunting accidents, being stranded on a mountain for days after a bear attack, how Lacey motivated a gentlemen to seize the day in what would be his last mountain hunt ever. And we hear about Lyn and Lacey’s newest business, which gives you a chance to go experience Alaska and get these experiences first hand. Lyn and his wife, Lacey, stopped by the GoWild office recently, and we hit the studio with no particular plans or direction for the conversation. What unfolded is a series of tales mostly fro