Restless Native

44: Ryan Kirby, Painter, Designer & Hunter



“I’d rather be a plumber and be the best I can be, and be able to hunt, rather than to push paint and never be able to hunt again. I feel like that’s more rewarding for me." - Ryan Kirby Today’s guest would tell you he was born an artist. That the paint brush was as natural in his hand as a basketball to Kobe Bryant. I’m not sure I agree. OK, the Kobe Bryant analogy is mine, Ryan would never say that. And I’ll agree some folks are more artistically inclined than others. But even with today’s guest’s natural ability, I think it’d sell his work ethic short to say he didn’t earn his success by putting in his form of 10,000 hours.Ryan has won over a dozen awards from organizations like Outdoor Life, National Wild Turkey Federation, and Quality Deer Management Association. He’s painted dozens of works of art and these things sell for a premium. A couple of Ryan’s paintings may be worth more than your truck.And when you hear how much time and labor goes into one of these paintings, you’ll realize why his paint