Restless Native

40: Stephen Holley & Jason Dickens, Team SIXSITE



"One of the folks said, 'There's a fire. Bring shovels.' We jumped in the truck and drove as fast as we could to where they were talking about. We pull up and shut off the truck. We get out, and we start smelling burned rubber." — Stephen Holley, SIXSITE FounderTeam GoWild is on the road. We’ve been down in Texas meeting up with Stephen Holley and Team SIXSITE where we also had a meet and greet. From there we crashed in Austin for a night before meeting up with Jeremiah Doughty for a three day whitetail hunt. We have a ton of awesome content coming from this trip, and that starts right now. I sat down with Stephen Holley, the founder of SIXSITE gear, as well as Jason Dickens, a hunting guide who works for SIXSITE. We had fun with this one and I hope you do, too.Visit SIXSITE's WebsiteRestless Native is Sponsored by Houston Safari Club FoundationRestless Native is brought to you by Houston Safari Club Foundation. This organization is a great supporter of hunters and conservation,