Restless Native

39: Rick Franco, Marine & Heroes & Horses COO



“You have two creatures who don’t have a purpose anymore—the mustang from the American West, and the American soldier. We take these two un-purposed creatures and give them purpose. We break that horse and give it to a veteran. The veteran has the purpose of leading that horse. And you can’t get on a horse without being a leader.”— Rick Franco, COO of Heroes and HorsesYou can’t cheat the mountain. Today we’re talking with a guy who is helping our nation’s heroes learn how to conquer mountains and deal with certain memories they have. We’re joined by Rick Franco of Heroes and Horses. Rick and his team are working to push veterans literally to the top of a mountain, and to find who they are again, and to make peace with some things that it’s just time to leave behind.This is a really interesting approach. I’ve never heard of anything this intensive. And I’m not aware of anything so holistic. You’ll hear Rick talk about how they address everything from nutrition to exercise to sleep to pharmaceuticals. I want to