Restless Native

32: Shannon Lansdowne & Brittany Boddington, She Hunts Skills Camp



“We’ve had 4 young widows at these camps. And they want to take their kids hunting but they’ve lost their mentor. They come to us for basic skills so they can pass on to their kids and pass on the skills.” - Brittany BoddingtonToday I have a couple of women who see the hunting industry landscape, and they are getting involved in an interesting way. In this episode, we chat with Brittany and Shannon from She Hunts Skills Camp. They’re empowering women to sharpen their hunting skills in a camp that is just for women. The guests go through real, legitimate training with industry professionals to learn to shoot, stalk, butcher, the whole 9 yards. I was expecting to hear about how Shannon and Brittany had impacted people’s skill sets. What I wasn’t prepared for are how this camp has actually impacted people’s lives. It’s clear they’re making waves with the women who attend. I commend them for that and hope they see many years of success going forward with this. Hunting isn’t just man’s nature. It’s mankind’s.Learn