Restless Native

28: Lexi Quinn, Wildland Firefighter, Hunter & Angler



“This year I got a wakeup call. We were going to a fire and there’s fire everywhere. On both sides of the highway. And it felt like I was in the apocalypse.”— Lexi QuinnThe word courage gets tossed around so much it almost loses its meaning. Does it really take courage to tell your boss they’re wrong? Maybe some. But if that is courage, maybe the word courage falls short of today’s guest. Imagine running into the face of danger while everyone else flees to protect property that isn’t yours, a wildland that isn’t your home, and with people you don’t know all that well. That’s what Lexi Quinn does for a living. Lexi is a wildland firefighter and has been fighting fires like those in California right now for years. We’re going to dive deep into what it took to pursue her dream and fascination with flame, where she finds her courage from and she’s going to tell some terrifying tales along the way. Lexi also explains how forest fires impact our vegetation and habitat, which I found really interesting.We chat her j