Restless Native

24: Gus Congemi, Bowhunter, Host of Live the Wild Life



"I gave myself three years. If this show wasn't profitable in three years, then I probably didn't belong on television. I kept it real. I was honest. And it's working out pretty well."- Gus Congemi, Host of Live the Wild LifeNetworking and relationships can take you a long ways.Today we’re talking to a guy who will time and time again echo this statement. Make sure you don’t just have talent, you better build some relationships along the way.I wasn’t too familiar with Gus Congemi, the host of the show Live the Wild Life, until I started working with Arcus for GoWild. And really, I hadn’t had a chance to really dive into his content until recently when I started preparing for this chat.What I found was I really liked Gus’ content and Gus. As a hunter, he’s very different than a lot of the personalities out there. And his show has a lot to like about it. Somewhere in watching four or five episodes for prep, I kind of forgot I was prepping and just found myself along for the ride.If you