Restless Native

23: Tony Bynum, Photographer, Conservationist & POMA President



"No matter where I've been or what I've done, it turns out, the most important aspect of it have been the people. I don't remember the photos as much as the relationships."— Tony BynumSpeaking up in contest when you know it could not only lead to backlash, but cost you clients and therefore your livelihood is not only courageous, it’s typically the makeup of a leader, which is who we have today.Tony Bynum is an outdoor photographer and the president of the Professional Outdoor Media Association by title, but he’s so much more than that. He's an activist as much as a conservationist. Tony is incredibly passionate about wildlife. You’ll find few people who dedicate so much of their life to improving our nation’s public lands and wildlife, as well as telling that story.You may have recently seen Tony’s image of a massive grizzly bear on the cover of Outdoor Life. It was the primary image for a story about the return of the grizzly bear and the science behind the hunt. He creates thi