Restless Native

18: Alaska Part II



Alaska made me think. Join me on this quick recap as I share my takeaways from the trip.We're skipping the show notes on this one. Let's just say we're going deep.**This episode is brought to you by Houston Safari Club Foundation**This episode of Restless Native is brought to you by Houston Safari Club Foundation. GoWild is working with Houston Safari Club Foundation, and you know about some of the conservation efforts this group participates in.This is an amazing organization, that is not only funding conservation efforts, they’re helping kids further their education, learn how to get outdoors and actively tackle R3 efforts.Houston Safari Club Foundation has put $2.1 million into scholarships for hunters. That is, they are paying for scholarships to kids who are proven outdoors enthusiasts with hunting backgrounds. These are future decision makers and educators. They tackle Hunter Recruitment first hand with outdoor programs that have introduced hundreds of students to hunting experiences and