Agent 251 Real Estate Podcast

What Conversations Are You Having With People That Don’t Look Like You?



In this important episode, Jason and guest Chenele Chapman have an open, honest, and respectful discussion of the "BIG" conversation of racism, inequality, protesting, and privilege that most people avoid. Even though Chenele and Jason have different perspectives and life experiences, they find common interests as parents, Christians, and friends on these complex and difficult topics. Hopefully, this podcast conversation will spark you to be less judgmental and more curious about the tragic and complex events unfolding in front us. Isn't it about time we take a hard look within, be more open, and start having those hard conversations with those who seem different than us? Check out Chenele's Previous Impact Agent Episode >>> Listen Here Resources Chenele Chapman  -  Facebook Jason Will  -  Website   ///////////////////////////////// Thanks for listening. We would like to know what you think about the IMPACT Agent podcast. Do you agree with Jason? Did any of these ideas help you? Let us know by contacti