Agent 251 Real Estate Podcast

Taming Technology and Driving Sales



In this episode, Jason Will talks with Derek Taylor, the Vice President of Product Technology for JP and Associates Realtors, one of the fastest growing real estate franchises in the nation. JPAR offers technology forward tools and business analytics to help real estate agents drive bottom-line results. Derek shares a peek behind the curtain of all of JPAR's powerful, valuable, and proactive technology that focuses agent's on activities that drive sales success. This show is full of pro tips on how to incorporate the tools to leverage your contacts, referrals, leads, and sphere of influence. Plus, learn how to improve your value proposition to both grow your profit margins while increasing your productivity. kvCore is driven to help automate sales and is proven to reduce the friction in business so that real estate agents can spend more time in front of people and less time behind their computer. Key Takeways Technology and automation is going to give agents the ability to leverage their contacts,