Agent 251 Real Estate Podcast

Ep.51 - Andi Cummings: Serve To Sell



In this episode, Jason Will talks with Andi Cummings a lead generation trainer, coach, and a realtor on the number one luxury team in South Carolina - the Matt O'Neal Real Estate team. Andi shares her corporate, sales training, and coaching experience to help real estate agents dial in prospecting and get the most out of their lead generation systems and skills. Andi will teach and challenge you to face your prospecting fears, try new things, fail forward, book those appointments, and hit those sales numbers.   Big Questions What makes a good prospecting and lead generation process What skills are needed to be learned or sharpen to improve prospecting and lead generation conversion rates? What are some tactics for getting over the fear of the phone and cold calling? How vital are trust, building rapport, and scripting in the sales process? Why should agents be listening more and talking less to their clients? What is prospecting and selling from a place of service? What is the best day of the week to prospe