Agent 251 Real Estate Podcast

Ep.48 - Matt Johnson: 6 Best Facebook Live Videos For Real Estate Agents



In this episode, Jason Will talks with Matt Johnson from the Real Estate Uncensored Podcast and about getting less busy and how singularity of focus is essential for exponential growth. Plus, he shares his six types of quality content for Facebook Live real estate marketing and how to get over the fear of going LIVE on camera. Sponsor: Impact Agent Conference 2019Started by Real Estate Agents for Real Estate Agents. New Orleans, LA - April 11 - 12, 2019 BUY TICKETS HERE Matt Johnson's Six Types of Effective Facebook Live Content 1. A Market Update Nobody cares about market updates if they're not thinking about buying and selling. 2. Buyer and Seller Questions Just answer the real world question, thank everyone for watching, let people know how they can reach out and dive off. 3. Community Events Talk about and promote super big or super small events in your community or city. You're talking about things that people care about, regardless of whether they're in the buying or selling ph