Agent 251 Real Estate Podcast

Ep.34 - Airbnb: Worth It Or Not?



Agent 251 has been investigating the beach and vacation home ownership investment and rental market all summer. In this episode, we will be discussing one of the hottest topics in the real estate business, Airbnb. Jason interrogates (nicely, and politely) a Ms. Liz Geigh (Superhost of Beachhouse on the Lake in Cullman, Alabama) to uncover all the pros and cons of Airbnb and see if all the buzz is legit or not. Is this online rental service helping vacation rental investment owners just covering expenses, or really creating a revenue stream? What are the real pros and cons of the service? What is an Airbnb Superhost? Ms. Liz shares her Superhost insights into how much involvement, cost, and time it takes to make Airbnb successful for your property. So, Sit back, relax, grab a fruity vacation cocktail and get ready to find out. We hope you get as much out of this show as we did. Key Takeaways: 1. Airbnb is worth looking to offset costs for beach and vacation property owners but you need to look at the additio