Agent 251 Real Estate Podcast

Ep.32 - Jason Will On Jason Will



On this episode, financial adviser Josh Null interviews Agent 251 host Jason Will about the ups and downs of his business journey and the maturity needed to succeed. Jason discusses the winding path he took to get where he is today, what he learned along the way, and how some of his greatest pitfalls ended up making him a better man and a better entrepreneur. Josh agrees that maturity in business comes through experience and that what we learn through our mistakes is far more important than what we learn through our successes. {Editor's Notes: This interview was recorded for Josh Null's Youtube Channel. Thanks, Josh for the use of the audio from your show} KEY TAKEAWAYS: > Success often takes years. Be patient and flexible. > Many people have early business success through beginner’s luck. If they are not able to weather a downturn, they are not likely to be successful in the long run. > Maturity comes through age and experience. We must always be growing through our business dealings. QUOTES: “Recruiting