Agent 251 Real Estate Podcast

Ep.21 - Tim Wallace: Unleashing Your Brand, Free Training & Lunch



  Agent 251 (Jason Will) talks with guest Tim Wallace. Tim Wallace is the new qualified broker for JWRE Mobile. Tim is a real estate agent and broker with over 20 years experience in the industry. Jason asks the newest JWRE member for his initial impressions of the JWRE work/life culture and co-workers. This episode focuses on simple ways that agents can find their strengths and make small mindset changes and improvements that will have an enormous impact in increasing their job performance, satisfaction, and income. Jason and Tim discuss the importance of Real Estate Agents developing and working on their own Brands, continuous training, and embracing collaboration - not competition - with other agents and brokers. MAIN POINTS •SOI should always equal ROI – Sphere of Influence is critical. • Take advantage of tech/social media to increase your leads at no cost. • Don’t allow your mindset of “an old dog can’t learn new tricks” when it comes to SOI/internet leads - know what to say to an internet lead • Sche