The Kindle Chronicles

4 Bill Bulger



This week's "What's on Your Kindle?" Interview is with Bill Bulger, 74, a legendary Massachusetts politician from South Boston who served 17 years as president of the state Senate and 7 years as president of the University of Massachusetts.  We visited at his home, and afterward his wife, Mary, revealed exactly why she bought her husband a Kindle.  His book is not in Kindle version yet - click on the link to let his publisher know you'd like that changed!   UPDATE: Two items on Bill Bulger's Kindle are Change Your Brain, Change Your Life by Daniel G. Amen and Three-Ten to Yuma and Other Stories by Elmore Leonard.Kindle News: The financial analyst heard round the Kindlesphere-reverberations from a Citi analyst's doubling of his earlier estimate of Kindle sales this year and NYT perspective here; Amazon adds a way to ping publishers who are not yet on the Kindle train (an item from Cush), and how 17 syllables might win you a Kindle.Tech Tip: Do's and Don'ts with an SD card, including screenshot tip from Stephen