The Kindle Chronicles

2 C.C. Chapman



The "What's on Your Kindle?" Interview: A telephone conversation with C.C. Chapman, who runs a digital marketing company called The Advance Guard and is host of the Accident Hash, Managing the Gray and U-Turn Cafe podcasts.  His informative comments include how he uses the Kindle to inspire him onward in writing a current manuscript.  What's on C.C's Kindle: subscriptions to The Boston Globe and Newsweek and Time magazines, Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith, personal .pdf documents, two books he can't talk about, and a manuscript he's working on.Kindle News: Spirit House, a Christopher G. Moore novel being offered for free on the Kindle through Aug. 28th, Josh Quittner's glowing Kindle review in Time, the Kindle Social Network, and my fruitless hunt for independent confirmation of the CrunchGear rumor of a new Kindle coming in October.Tech Tips: a hardware fix at 30K feet, keyboard shortcuts, and how to change the text justification.  Kindle Quote: inspiring words from The Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie.Kindle Comm