Ham Radio 360

Ham Radio 360: All about APRS with W6KWF



APRS; oh the questions you've raised!  It's been about 2+ years since I decided I wanted to give APRS a go.  I purchased a Mobilinkd TNC2 and set off.  It was only a day or so later that I determined there were No Digipeater/iGates in my county, and not too many outside those bounds. I was encouraged by some fellow hams that were too interested in APRS and we lightly began to try to understand the in and outs of the mode.  None of us had any experience in Packet and what we could find online was a mish-mash of opinions and outdated blogging.  Needless to say, I've quit APRS more than once since, only to be pulled back in when I reconsider it's utility. It wasn't until a fateful evening in November 2016 that I found someone that could help me to begin to understand the whats and hows of APRS.  Kenneth Fennegan, W6KWF ( @KWF ) found me lamenting my lack of APRS understanding via Twitter and offered a hand up!  That hand up turned into a phone conversation that in turn lead to another call that became this int