Be The Bee

The Danger of False Teachers (Parable of the Publican and Pharisee)



“Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 11:1) What this Episode is About: The Pharisee fasted, prayed, and gave to the poor. He did all the right things we're supposed to do. So what exactly did he do wrong? The Triodion Period begins with the Parable of the Publican and Pharisee to ground us in the righteousness of God rather than our own pride and delusion. Because, like the Pharisee, we don't always see ourselves clearly. We can easily lead ourselves astray. Self-deception happens when we turn inward, trusting in ourselves and our own abilities to evaluate our own righteousness, especially against the perceived lack of righteousness (or even just rightness) in others. And the antidote to this self-deception is to turn to someone outside of us who can redirect our hearts and minds toward the One who Is. Not a false teacher, but a true teacher. Just like Saint Paul guided Saint Timothy. As always, we've prepared a FREE downloadable workbook to help you act on what you'll learn: https: