Pagan Flame

1. PFP Episode 1



Episode one holds a few things including me talking about a few things that I'm going to try and fix in future podcasts, a crystal segment (ooooh), a book review (aaah), and maybe more.(ummm?)Check me out on itunes, just search pagan flame and i'm right there!Be sure to check out my blog at paganflame.blogspot.comyou can find me on twitter under pfpzevyou can find me on podcast alley at me at pfpzev@gmail.comIf anyone wants to make me a better graphic than the one I have on itunes, please feel free too! If you have a podcast and want a chance for it to be promoted here, send you podcast with a promo over an emailBe sure to watch for my future episode containing Crystal Segments, Listener feedback, Recommended and new to me podcasts, book reviews, and if I ever get a Tarot deck, look out for Tarot segments as well!Download MP3 at Pagan Flame Podcast is ©2010-2011 Alvan Zev of The music feat