Heavy Mental Podcast

The Listening To Your Body Episode



This episode's theme is LISTENING TO YOUR BODY.I (Rhys) talk about a recent experience which reminded me about the importance of listening to my body, while Leila shares her theory that we human beings were engineered by aliens who created us by using monkey DNA...or something to that effect. Anyway...During the episode, we also chat about: Our own experiences with listening/not listening to our bodies. Understanding what our bodies actually need and when. How natural it is for animals to be at one with their bodies. How symptoms within the body are messengers trying to tell us something. The importance of considering health holistically when looking at our mental health. And a whole lot more.Just so you know, our conversations are completely unfiltered, unedited and happen very organically.Also to note, we’re not professionals — if you’ve heard us speak, you will know that. We’re just a couple with a passion for nattering about our mental health and trying to navigate our way through the mad old game we call