Terra Informa

I'm Dreaming of a Green Christmas with Special Guest Janina Fuchs



This week on Terra Informa we’re talking about renewable energy and how students from across campuses, disciplines, and countries, are exploring what sustainability means to them, and to our shared future. In this episode, you’ll hear us chat with Janina Fuchs, a student from Ludwig Maximillion Universtat in Munich, Germany, about her research on student energy perspectives in Munich and Alberta. We’ll also give you some background on energiewende, the German renewable energy transition strategy, and ABBY-Net, a research exchange between German and Alberta students that Janina Fuchs and our very own Terra Informer Sonak Patel participated in this past summer.https://www.bmwi.de/Redaktion/EN/Publikationen/vierter-monitoring-bericht-energie-der-zukunft-kurzfassung.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=16https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/12/11/media/time-person-of-the-year-2019/index.htmlhttps://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/sep/21/across-the-globe-millions-join-biggest-climate-protest-everhttps://www.climatechange