Happier & Healthier With Maria Marlowe | Nutrition, Health, Wellness, & Relationships

105: Find more joy, peace, and abundance with Feng Shui with Simone Osswald



Many people think Feng Shui is simply a style of interior design, but it goes much deeper than that. Feng Shui is a traditional Chinese philosophy that calls for arranging living and workspaces in such a way to facilitate good energy flow, in harmony with nature. In this episode, Feng Shui expert Simone Osswald shares tips on how to arrange your home and office space to allow for more joy, peace, and abundance. Love the Show? Subscribe, Share, & Leave a Review for a Free 3-Day Meal Plan.  Join the Happier & Healthier Movement Recipes, meal plans, nutrition + cooking courses: glowbymarlowe.com Instagram: @mariamarlowe Reverse Acne Naturally: Clear Skin Plan