Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder 87



Monthly Cannon Fodder is back and Troy and Joe have lots to debate this week! The Pathfinder Playtest - should people happily move on to Second Edition or just stick with what they know? Starfinder starship combat - too clunky or just right? Drawback traits from Ultimate Campaign - for or against? Creating secrets for character backstories - should you reveal them slowly over time or tell everyone everything up front? Lastly, should GMs tailor the campaign to the characters or should players create characters built around the campaign they are about to play. All that, plus they talk about what they're playing besides Pathfinder and Starfinder these days AND an interview with one of the Lead Developers of the new Pathfinder Adventure Path: War for the Crown - Crystal Frasier from Paizo! Become a supporter of the podcast at our Patreon page: You can help us unlock goals for the future while unlocking fun GCP exclusive rewards for yourself!