Poc Podcast

Time to hunt some witches



Thanks for listening to the POC podcast. Show notes for Episode 6 below! Weekly Recap Monday May 15 Supreme Court on North Carolina Voter ID law NYT Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador WAPO Tuesday May 16 Israel Said to Be Source of Secret Intelligence Trump Gave to Russians NYT Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation NYT Wednesday May 17 Putie Puuut offers to share transcripts of talks between Trump and Lavrov. Chelsea Manning is freed from prison. Erdogan Security Forces Launch â??Brutal Attackâ?? on Washington Protesters, Officials Say NYT Chaffetz Officially Resigns: 'The Time Has Come For Us To Move On' DCist Former FBI Director Robert Muller is named special counsel for the Russia Investigation. Thursday May 18 Trump takes to twitter to be a whiny little bitch about the Special prosecutor being named. tweet 1 tweet 2 Congressman Seth Moulton clapback tweet Pence Creates PAC