Poc Podcast

I wanna be an American



Weekly Recap Monday, March 20 Milwaukee jail inmates forced to give birth in shackles: suit alleges NY Daily News New York Attorney General Steps Up Scrutiny of White House WSJ Gorsuch Confirmation Hearing - Day 1 - Opening Statements FBI Director James Comey to testify at Russia hearing White House tries to distance Trump from Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn Tuesday, March 21 Gorsuch Confirmation Hearing - Day 2 - Senators question Gorsuch Ted Cruz questions Gorsuch Amy Klobachar questions Gorsuch Al Franken questions Gorsuch Ivanka Trump given an office in the West Wing and access to classified information Eric Trumpâ??s Trump Vineyard Estates, better known as Trump Winery, has asked to bring in 29 workers this season through the federal H-2A visa program. CBS http://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-winery-looking-for-foreign-workers/ Tillerson to Skip NATO meeting Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will skip NATOâ??s April meeting of foreign ministers. He intends to travel to Moscow. Politi