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TTcare: App service that keeps pets healthy and happy @ CES 2022



Of course, we all want to know if our pets are happy and healthy, but how can we be sure that we are doing enough?Every year we get a front-row seat to the latest and greatest pet care items. And many times, what we see are merely reinventions or simple improvements upon tech and gadgets that already exist. But this year we were able to witness a brand new use of technology that just may end up being a game-changer when it comes to the health of our beloved pets.What is TTcare?Created by AI FOR PET, TTcarehas developed an AI technology-based app service that allows anyone to quickly and easily check in on the health of their pets. TTcare is the first mobile application in the world that can help to determine whether a disease may exist right at home without the need for any expensive or special equipment. Their business model and technology are currently patent pending and this unique app is the first product of this kind to be officially approved by the Korean government for an "Artificial Intelligence-based