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Sharvy: The digital solution to shared spaces in a company @ CES 2022



In these times of chaos, many companies are turning to telecommuting as a way to keep their employees safe. However, with so many people now returning to the office, it can be difficult to find an open parking spot, a desk in the office, or an available conference room. Sharvy is here to help! It's is a digital solution that allows employees to reserve parking spaces, workstations, and cafeteria spots in advance. This will make it easier for employees to find a spot when they come into the office, and will also support new hybrid working methods.What exactly is Sharvy?Sharvy is an all-in-one application that allows employees to book a parking space, a workstation, and/or a spot at the cafeteria. Sharvy is available as both a desktop and mobile app, so it can be used anywhere. The goal of the company is to make it easier for employees to reserve spots and support new hybrid working methods.Sharvy can manage resources such as parking spaces, workstations, and cafeteria spots. This gives companies a better look