Plughitz Live Special Events (audio) Gain more knowledge from scientific research @ CES 2022



If you've ever had to do research for a science class in school, you know just how difficult it can be. Wikipedia is not a great source because of inaccuracies and information biases. Scientific papers are full of information but can be difficult to read unless you're already an expert in the subject matter. Of course, you aren't, or you wouldn't be in the class. This is one of the problems that is trying to address.What is is an artificial intelligence software start-up building applications to extract insights from scientific data. The company offers personalized access to scientific publications and information for everyone.The core of the company is in the indexing technology. Currently, the company has indexed more than 100 million scientific papers, extracting essential information. Using this database, the company produces applications with various applications to give people access to the information that has been gathered.The applicationsThere are two main appl