Plughitz Live Special Events (audio) Using AI technology to revolutionize e-commerce @ CES 2022



One of the more difficult things about running an online retailer is the images. One of the most difficult industries online is fashion. Every product has to have so many phones, and you can only go into so much detail with the number of models at your disposal. While some industries, such as the automotive industry, have gone nearly entirely computer-generated imagery, fashion has not been able to follow suit. Now, with the work done by, that is all changing.What is is an award-winning fashion tech start-up that uses innovative AI technology to revolutionize e-commerce for retailers and consumers alike. The firm's virtual fashion models allow brands and retailers to create personalized shopping experiences for their customers, saving time and money in the process. is changing the way businesses think about e-commerce, and is quickly becoming a leading authority in the space!How does work? has the ability to create entirely AI-created huma