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Felaqua Connect: The smart water bowl for your cat @ CES 2022



Is your cat drinking enough water? Many cats don't and it can be a sign of serious issues. Catching the problem early is important, but can be a challenge to do unless you watch your cat every minute of the day. Felaqua Connect by Sure Petcare is the smart water bowl that encourages your cat to drink, designed with leading veterinary behaviorists. The device connects with your cat's microchip, providing insights into drinking behavior that may otherwise be missed.What is Sure Petcare?Sure Petcare is the company behind Felaqua Connect. They are a pet technology company that creates products to make life easier for both pets and their owners. Their aim is to use technology to help us better understand our pets, and in doing so, improve their quality of life.The company has a wide range of products to help keep your pet healthy, including a connected feeder which we were introduced to at CES 2020. They also offer pet doors, so your animals can come and go at will, and a tracking collar so you know where they are