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CareVoice: Provides peace of mind for seniors and family @ CES 2022



If you are one of the millions of Americans who are caring for an elderly parent or grandparent, you know just how difficult it can be to juggle work, family life, and trying to make sure your loved one is taking their medications and keeping their appointments. CarePredict has introduced a new feature called CareVoice that will help make this process a little bit easier.What is the Tempo wearable?The Tempo wearable is a wristband that was created by CarePredict to help seniors living independently stay on track with their medications and appointments. The Tempo tracks activities, sleep, moods, and provides real-time alerts if there are any changes in the senior's routine that could indicate a health issue.Changes in routines are more serious than just a surface issue. Sometimes they can indicate that something serious is happening. If someone changes their eating habits, it could indicate illness. A change in activity could indicate pain. Being able to get a peek into the daily life and activities of your fa