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Lazy Moose wants to make NFTs accessible for fundraising @ CES 2022



School fundraising needs to evolve along with the times and can also be a fantastic educational opportunity on crypto. Not only do a lot of options available take large fees but aren't available in the global market. Lazy Moose is the future of NFT school fundraising and educational opportunities.What are NFTs?NFTs or Non-Fungible Tokens are a form of non-interchangeable data stored on the blockchain. This differs from Bitcoin in that each token is uniquely identifiable. NFT data may be associated with a variety of file types including video, images, audio, and hyperlinks. NFTs claim to offer a public ledger, but this claim has not been legally verified. NFTs do not restrict the sharing of the underlying content and cannot prevent the creation of another NFT with identical content.NFTs have the potential to revolutionize how we interact with digital content. For example, imagine being able to own a piece of digital art that is unique and cannot be replicated. NFTs could also be used to create online marketpla