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Invoxia Smart Dog Collar: Get smarter about your dog's health @ CES 2022



Do you worry about your dog's health? You should be because heart conditions in dogs are more common than you think. However, with the Invoxia Smart Dog Collar, you can monitor your dog's heart and respiratory rate with medical accuracy. This collar also tracks your dog's activity levels and daily routine, so you can share this data with your veterinarian. By establishing a diagnostic baseline, you can keep tabs on your dog's health and prevent any serious problems from developing.Who is Invoxia?Invoxia is a French company that specializes in the development of innovative telephony solutions. In addition to their Smart Dog Collar, they also make a large collection of other GPS-enabled products for business and industrial purposes. With products like these, it's no wonder that Invoxia has been awarded seven CES Innovation Awards!What is the Smart Dog Collar?The Smart Dog Collar is a device that monitors your dog's heart and respiratory rate, tracks their activity levels and daily routine, and sends all this da