Jill On Money With Jill Schlesinger

Fifty Years of 60 Minutes with Jeff Fager



‘Twas the week between Christmas and New Year’s, and not a soul was paying attention to their finances…except everyone scrambling to make year-end tax moves! Even with the tax bill looming, this is also the week when you should unplug (except from this podcast!), relax, eat, have a glass of wine, forget about all your worries and recharge for 2018.   That’s why we’re keeping it short and sweet this week with Jeff Fager, executive producer of 60 Minutes and author of the new book, Fifty Years of 60 Minutes: The Inside Story of Television’s Most Influential News Broadcast. When you think about it, the Sunday staple of 60 Minutes has tracked and shaped the biggest moments in post-war American history. The show has profiled every major leader, artist, and movement of the past five decades, perfecting the news-making interview and inventing the groundbreaking TV expose. From recent profiles of Michael Bloomberg and the CEO of Chobani to the investigation of the multibillion dollar industry that collects, analy