Fabulous Fempreneurship

How to Get in Shape and Stay in Shape, no Matter How Busy You Are



How to get in shape and stay in shape isn't as hard as it seems reveals our weight loss specialist, Stavros Mastrogiannis.  However, the goal for all of us is sustainable weight loss and Stavros explains how we can achieve this, too! In this podcast you will discover How can you fit in a workout when you are very busy? Most women entrepreneurs are very busy people, how can they find time to plan healthy meals? As you know cravings are part of life especially when you are under stress. What is the best way to deal with cravings? How can you eat healthy when you have lunch and dinner meetings all the time? You are an expert on helping people achieve sustainable weight loss, but yourself never had a weight problem. How can you understand people with a weight problem? The vast majority of people who lose weight regain the weight back. What is your opinion as to why most people can’t keep the weight off?