Harvest Eating Podcast-plant Based Vegan Recipes

Our Wellness Regimen To Prevent Viruses-Epi-457



Show notes at Keith Snow.com Are you a germophobe? Do you have children? Have you heard the term “widespread flu”? If you answered yes to these questions your family might be a lot like my family. We had our first child in 2002, Olivia was such a gem, she’s 19 now and has turned into an amazing young lady. She has taught us so much over the last nearly 2 decades including much about germs and staying healthy. As she went from infant to toddler we eventually tried to introduce her to daycare and found a little place in South Carolina a few miles from our farm that has a spot for her where we could introduce her to other kids and let her socialize. I think I took her there a total of 5-6 times before witnessing the junk food they fed kids (frozen chicken nuggets etc.) and also how often the kids were sick. It was common to see the children with gnarly green mucus dripping down their faces and in their mouths (I know, a gross image I’m describing here) which I found disgusting. I never saw the caregivers ever wi