Harvest Eating Podcast-plant Based Vegan Recipes

The Great Political Realignment of America-Epi-455



Show notes at Keith Snow.com America is on the move like never before. Some would say at a tectonic level and for many, the driver is as much political as it is economic or for safety. The top five blue states seeing a mass exodus are all Democrat-controlled. The U.S. Census Bureau says, California, New York, New Jersey, Michigan, and Illinois lost a combined 4 million residents between 2010 and 2019, so this phenomenon is ongoing, not new. U-Haul reported that the top five states to see the greatest influx of new residents include the Republican-led states of Florida, Texas, Tennessee, Ohio, and Arizona. The safer red states with a government that tends to be more freedom-oriented, have less taxes, and fewer mandates. People are not only moving between states but between counties in the same states. So out of blue cities to more rural or suburban outside cities. The financial effect of this is not good for cities making the problems that existed to cause departure, even worse. Crime, high taxes, mandates, c