Harvest Eating Podcast-plant Based Vegan Recipes

What is Regenerative Agriculture and How can it Help Our Soil-Epi-454



Show notes at Keith Snow.com There is a movement underfoot across the country, in fact, the world, and it’s called Regenerative Agriculture. It’s based on 5 principles: Limit or eliminate soil disturbance (do not till) Keep armor on the soil at all times (plant matter covering bare soil) Plant diversity, no mono-crops (multiple species planted at once in fields to build diversity) Keep living roots in the fields all year long if possible (do not leave fields fallow) Move ruminant animals over the land (cows, sheep, goats) Some amazing farmers are preaching the good word around the country to educate other farmers. I think these farmer-educators are national heroes. Photo Credit-Brown’s Ranch, ND Farmers who are tired of being tied to a failing system that is harming their land and their wallets are finding a new way, a regenerative way to heal their land and build the profit back into farming. If you look at the photo above you will see a large herd of cows being rotationally grazed or mob-graze