Harvest Eating Podcast-plant Based Vegan Recipes

Is This The End Of Chemical Agriculture-? Epi- 453



See full show notes at Keith Snow.com s This End Of Chemical Agriculture? Since the mid-19th-century usage of NPK fertilizer has increased by over 800% up to 2019. This has allowed modern AG to produce a massive amount of food that is used for all sorts of products from cereal, non-dairy milk to fuel additives and beyond. The USA exports billions of tons of commodity foods each year to countries all over the globe. “U.S. agricultural exports in fiscal year (FY) 2022 are projected at $175.5 billion, down $2.0 billion from the August forecast, but still a record if realized. This decrease is driven by reductions in oilseed and oilseed product exports that are partially offset by increases in livestock, poultry, dairy, cotton, and ethanol exports.” — USDA All this food production comes at a steep cost to farmers, the environment, and most importantly, this soil! Studies show that foods grown on American soil have steadily declined in nutritive value. Vitamins, Minerals, and other components of basic foods (fr