National Cyber Security By Gregory Evans

NCS 7/22/11



Just a few weeks after German authorities opened a national Cyber Defense Centre in Bonn, it was attacked by hackers and now officials are struggling to arrest all of those involved.  While security authorities reported they had arrested two members of the hacking group linked to the attacks, the group released a statement saying that only its leader was under arrest. Researchers at the security firm Kaspersky Lab have spotted phishing scams that attempt to gain illegal access into the accounts of airlines in order to steal the frequent flyer miles accumulated by the company's customers.   The attacks come in the form of emails that promise either prizes or more points in customers' frequent flyer programs; recipients are asked to enter their login information on a fake website, and doing so effectively hands over users' account details to the scammers. Computer and software vendor financial results came in this week, including reports from IBM, Intel, Apple and Microsoft.  Those results revealed some recor