National Cyber Security By Gregory Evans

NCS 7/11/11



Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown believes journalists from The Sunday Times and The Sun newspapers tried to obtain private information from his financial records and telephone voice messages, a source close to Brown told reporters.  The efforts date back 10 years, and include periods when Brown was prime minister and chancellor of the exchequer, the source confirmed. A Department of Homeland Security official worries that components used in computing devices could be infected with spy components from foreign manufacturers. Many of the chips that make e-devices work come from overseas manufacturers. Here's the latest Apple rumor: The company reportedly is working on a new iPad, due out later this year, that will have a higher-resolution screen.   The new iPad is said to be a “pro” that could be used for high-end video editing and photography.  And as always, we will have the job of the day.  Make sure you listen.