National Cyber Security By Gregory Evans

NCS 7/5/11



The Fox News Politics’ twitter account has been hijacked and used to post fake reports about President Obama being assassinated.  The attack began with a message from the hacker that said: “Just regained full access to our twitter and email. Happy 4th.” Soon afterwards, the first Obama announcement was posted claiming that @barackobama has just passed. Hackers have not been slowing down at all.  This latest attack targeted Apple.   According to reports… the group, Antisec, posted a message to twitter on Sunday claiming to have gained access to private data from an Apple Inc. server. The fight against cyber crime needs to be stronger  and have international legal framework according to one British official.  The Minister for Crime and Security, James Brokenshire, says having that framework will enable perpetrators outside of the country of their victims to be tracked down and punished.     Also, make sure you listen to hear the job of the day.