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Dimenco: New spatial visualization for simulated reality @ CES 2022



When you think of the future, what comes to mind? For many people, it's images of advanced technology and futuristic inventions. Dimenco is one company that is working to make the future a reality. They are focused on spatial visualization, in other words, making holograms a reality. This is something that has been dreamed about for years, but Dimenco is making it happen right now. With their cutting-edge software and hardware, they are changing the way we experience simulated reality.What is the SR Display?The Dimenco SR Display is the latest development in spatial visualization. So, what exactly does that mean? Well, the result is a high-resolution, fast display that creates realistic three-dimensional images without the need for wearing glasses. This makes it perfect for use in simulated reality applications, right on your own device.We spoke to Dimenco's CEO, Maarten Tobias at CES 2022 to get a better understanding and a demo. And we will say, it's true that you have to see it to believe it. This 3D image